Stevens PF, 2012. long. ICRAF, 1988. Boutique R). Res. Phoma balanitis and Septoria balanitis are two fungi species often found on this plant (Orwa et al., 2009). Mineral concentrations in leaves of nine browse species collected from Mvomero, Morogoro, Tanzania. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils. Stuttgart, Germany: Fischer. It has been introduced and can be found naturalized in the Cape Verde islands, the Azores, India, Curacao, Bonaire, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico (Booth and Wickens, 1988; Chothani and Vaghasiya, 2011; Burg et al., 2012; Govaerts, 2016). Sands MJS, 1990. Petroselinum sativum leaves were washed with tap water, dried in the shade for one week, and stored in well-sealed cellophane bags. Publications de I'Institut National de Recherche Scientifique, 21. Gum from the wood is mixed with maize meal porridge to treat chest complaints. According to Maydell (1986) there is no definite time for flowering in the Sahel, although he identifies the dry season as the period when flowering is most likely. Comparative perfomance of some multipropse trees and shrubs grown at Machokos, Kenya. Kikuyu, Kenya: Dryland Agroforestry Research Project. Manual on traditional food plants. 49: 1-16. High termitaria. Volumes 1 & 2. Trees and shrubs of the Sahel, their characteristics and uses. Kew Bulletin, 2:51-87. Wageningen, Netherland: Plant Research International, 82 pp. Stiftung Waldernhaltung in Africa/Bundesforschungsanstalt fur forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Hamburg. long, ovate or ovate-oblong, glabrous; filaments c. 3.75 mm. J. © Copyright 2020 CAB International. There is no information published for the control or management of B. aegyptiaca. Rome, Italy: FAO. The vegetation of Africa. It is a source of steroidal sapogenins (diosgenin) often used for the synthesis of corticosteroids, sex hormones and oral contraceptives (Booth and Wickens, 1988; Chothani and Vaghasiya, 2011; Tesfaye, 2015).Social Benefit. 1960). Behaviour of goats, sheep and cattle and their selection of browse species on natural pasture in a Sahelian area. (Browse trees of north Cameroon. (PDF) ASSESSMENT OF SAPONIN RICH FRACTION FROM BALANITES AEGYPTIACA (L.) FRUITS AS ANTI SCHISTOMIASIS, ANTI-OXIDANT, ANTIMUTAGENIC AGENTS AND IN VITRO PRODUCTION OF SAPONINS FOR DRUG MANUFACTURE | European Scientific Journal ESJ - Flora Palestina, Part 2. Malvaceae-Aquifoliaceae.] The distribution in this summary table is based on all the information available. Burg WJ van der, Freitas J de, Debrot AO, Lotz LAP, 2012. Balanites aegyptiaca; an Unutilized Raw Material Potential Ready for Agro-industrial Exploitation. Feed Sci. Agroforestree Database: a tree reference and selection guide version 4.0. B. aegyptiaca also has fine-grained dense and heavy heartwood that is easily worked and takes a good polish. Seeds boiled in continuous changes of water to dibitter and then eaten with sorghum. Fresh new shoots may be cooked with leaves like cabbage during drought and periods of food scarcity. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 9(4):301-306; 9 ref. A record of fruits and seeds dispersed by mammals and birds from the Singida District of Tanganyika Territory. Livest. Vét. The dried leaves were powdered to be used for extract preparation. Houerou HN le, 1980. Fruits and seeds are often sold in African food markets. Trees begin to fruit in 5-7 years and reach maturity in 25 years. In lowest rainfall areas, it is confined to sites with available groundwater (Suliman and Jackson, 1960). It is not clear whether semi-deciduous behaviour begins in the first season or later, but fruiting commences after 5-7 years (Maydell, 1986). Troupin G, 1982. The aim of this investigation is to examine the anticancer activities of Balanites aegyptiaca fruit extract with its biogenic silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) against colon and liver cancer cells. Cook, J. Shrub and tree species for energy production. In: Le Houerou HN, ed. They are sought after by sheep, goats and cattle, and ... Fruit. Journal d'Agriculture Tropicale et de Botanique Appliquee, 2(1/2):40-49. The indigenous timbers of Zimbabwe. 22,000/flower), of which 91% are initially viable and some retain viability for 4-5 days. The ripe fruit is brown or pale brown to yellow and resembles a small date. Cymbopogon Schoenanthus (Lemongrass) Oil (origin: lemongrass): Essential oil with anti-septic qualities, leaving the hair and scalp feeling clean and clear. In: Flore du Congo-Belge et du Rwanda-Urundu, Vol. As - Tropical savanna climate with dry summer, < 60mm precipitation driest month (in summer) and < (100 - [total annual precipitation{mm}/25]), Aw - Tropical wet and dry savanna climate, < 60mm precipitation driest month (in winter) and < (100 - [total annual precipitation{mm}/25]), Cs - Warm temperate climate with dry summer, Warm average temp. This species is also extensively planted across Africa (Booth and Wickens, 1988). Desert date (Balanites aegyptiacus) Forage. Contributions towards a knowledge of the Thysanoptera of Egypt. [3] There are many common names for this plant. Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. Hutchinson J, 1973. This study was carried out to assess, for the first time, the effectiveness of methanolic extract of Balanites aegyptiaca (BAE) fruits against different stages (pre-adult, migrating larvae, and encysted larvae) of Trichinella spiralis in rats compared with commonly used anthelmintic albendazole. B. aegyptiaca was first scientifically described by Prosper Alphinus in 1952, who named the genus Agihalid. Physicochemical characterization on nonconventional vegetable oils for fuels in Kenya. Hand-pollination experiments performed on trees growing in Senegal showed that B. aegyptiaca is a partially auto-compatible species (Ndoye et al., 2004). Saponin rich fraction of Balanites fruits (SRF) was administered orally at a dose of 250 mg/kg to schistosoma infected mice. Individuals occur singly and full crown exposure is typical, particularly as the species is often taller than any of its associates. Seeds are dispersed by birds and animals. Flora of West Tropical Africa, 2nd edition. Anthesis is nocturnal, particularly in the 3 hours before sunrise. The obtained data suggest the beneficial role of Balanites aegyptiaca fruit as a hypoglycemic, hypolipidimic agent and as a protective a gent of liver from damage or injury. An emulsion made from the fruit or bark is used as a molluscoid and fish poison. Imperial Forestry Institute Paper, 26. Nigerian trees Volume l. Ibadan, Nigeria: Federal Department of Forest Research. In: Egneus H, Allegard A, eds. Tanganyika Territory. The obtained data suggest the beneficial role of Balanites aegyptiaca fruit as a hypoglycemic, hypolipidimic agent and as a protective a gent of liver from damage or injury. Food Chemistry, 19:307-315. Wallingford, UK: CABI, CABI, Undated a. CABI Compendium: Status as determined by CABI editor. Moldenke HN, 1954. Trunk and bark grey, deeply fissured longitudinally. In Puerto Rico, B. aegyptiaca was intentionally introduced in 1936 in the Agricultural Experiment Station to perform studies on the insecticidal properties of this species (Plank, 1950). It is good forage especially when the tree is sprouting new leaves and new fruits (Kaboré-Zoungrana et al., 2008). Ozenda P, 1977. It is not clear if fruits are derived from flowers produced earlier in the same year or if fruits need more than a year for development (Booth and Wickens, 1988). Proceedings of the Kenya National Seminar on Agroforestry. Arap Sang FK, Hoekstra DA, Mwendandu R, 1985. Envir., 6 (3-4): 226-230, Onana, J., 1995. Extended boiling also releases a yellow oil … Palgrave KC, 1983. The fruit kernel is rich in lipids (46.2 g/100 g DM) and proteins (29.5 g/ 100 g DM). In Nigeria, flowering varies between November and April with ripe fruits becoming available in December and January and occasionally later, from March to July (Orwa et al., 2009). Second edition, Vol. Malaisse F, 1978. Grasas y Aceites, 37(2):81-85. The spiny branches are used to fence cattle pens. Kassas M, 1956. Ordination of vegetation developed on different parent materials. Currently, B. aegyptiaca is considered native to Africa, the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula (Govaerts, 2016; PROTA, 2016). Introduction of browse plants in the Sahelo-Sudanian zone. An important and very useful multipurpose tree, it is valued for its edible fruit, leaves and flowers and many other uses, being cultivated in several parts of … B. aegyptiaca is listed as a weed of irrigated crops in the rift valley of Palestine (Zohary, 1973). Holland JH, 1922. Res. Snolnozi TW, 1985. Proceedings of the Eighth World Forestry Congress, Jakarta, Indonesia, 16-28 Oct.(World Forestry Congress: Forestry for food): FFF-10-11. Vigorous populations occur in relatively fertile, low-lying sites with deep sandy soil and uninterrupted access to water, but it also grows well on heavier, fertile vertisolic soils, provided salinity is low. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Addis Ababa University, 422-436. Phytochemicals and antioxidant activity of fruits of 30 B. aegyptiaca trees naturally growing in the hyper-arid and arid zones in Mauritania were evaluated by following standard procedures. Food and Fruit Trees of the Gambia. Zohary M, 1973. Balanite, desert date, soapberry tree, thorn tree, Egyptian balsam tree, zachum oil tree [English]; dattier du désert, dattier sauvage, héglik [French]; datilero del desierto, mirobalano de Egipto [Spanish]; enkelgroendoring [Africaans]; Wüstendattel, Zachunbaum [German]; hingotia [Hindi]; dattero del deserto [Italian]; mjunju [Swahili]; aduwa [Hausa]; الهجليج المصري [Arabic]; זקום מצרי [Hebrew]; Баланитес египетский [Russian], Balanites aegyptiacus (L.) Delile [Balanitaceae]. Yayneshet, T. ; Eik, L. O. ; Moe, S. R., 2008. Etude sur le soumpe (Balanites aegyptiaca) valeur alimentaire de ses proteines. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. Serengeti. Nairobi, Kenya: International Council for Research in Agroforestry. Regional Soil Conservation Unit (RSCU). Bulletin No. The Balanites aegyptiaca fruit aqueous extract showed more noticeable hypoglycemic effect than that of Petroselinum sativum leaf aqueous extracts (Figure 2 ). Araliaceae. Bois et Forets des Tropiques, 111/112:19-32; 3-29. CIRAD. PubMed:Unraveling the active hypoglycemic agent trigonelline in Balanites aegyptiaca date fruit using metabolite fingerprinting by NMR. Hardman R, Sofowora EA, 1972. Dry grassland vegetation. Asian-Aust. The precise natural distribution is … Conspectus Florae Orientalis, Fascide 2. Données 1989-2006. Wickens (1976) suggests that two flowering periods may occur. Petals 7.2–9.5 × 2–2.4 (2.8) mm., narrowly elliptic or elliptic-oblong, rarely lanceolate-oblong, glabrous on both surfaces. Balanitacea. Linnaeus (1753) applied the conventional binomial name Ximenia aegyptiaca, and noted early references by Caspar Bauhin in 1623 and John Ray, as well as that of Prosper Alphinus. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: International Livestock Centre for Africa, 339-349. Stylar extension commences around midday and continues for 12-15 h. The stigma becomes receptive an hour after the conclusion of pollen shedding (Ndoye et al., 2004; Janick and Paull, 2008). Biochemical action of Balanites aegyptiaca fruits as a possible hypoglycemic agent. Richmond, Surrey, UK: Kew Databases. In: FAO Conservation Guide, vii + 176 pp. Balanites aegyptiaca fruit pulp is a good source of sugars (33 g/100 g dry matter (DM)), polyphenols (264 mg GAE/100 g DM) and flavonoids (34.2 mg/100 g DM) with an average antioxidant activity of 519 µmol TEAC/100 g DM. Food Agric. Tropical trees and forests: an architectural analysis. PubMed:Some biomedical applications of Balanites aegyptiaca grown naturally in radioactive area, Southeastern Desert, Egypt. The fruits are used in the treatment of liver and spleen diseases. Dakar, Senegal: Editions Clairafrique. Browse in Africa: The Current State of Knowledge. North of the equator, B. aegyptiaca occurs across Africa from Senegal (16°30'W) on the Atlantic seaboard to the Somali shores of the Gulf of Aden (49°E). B. aegyptiaca grows on arid, semiarid and dry habitats at frost-free elevations from 300 to 2000 m and mean annual temperatures ranging from 20°C to 30°C, but it is able to tolerate high temperatures as 40°C (Janick and Paull, 2008; Orwa et al., 2009). The use of Balanites kernel cake in a diet for fattening sheep. An alternative method of analysis and its application to the Gombe sandstone vegetation. (rev.) 5. Jerusalem, Israel: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The medicinal and poisonous plants of southern and eastern Africa. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: International Livestock Centre for Africa, 261-289. Woody plants of the Sahel, [west African] Sudan and Guinea. J. Anim. PROTA4U web database. A. E., 1983. Kew Bulletin (Additional Series), 5:1-368. The oil released from the seeds by boiling is used in the treatment of headache and influenza. > 10°C, Cold average temp. Becker B, 1983. Ingredients: Aqua, Propanediol, Glycerin, Panthenol, Olive Oil Glycereth-8 Est Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate, Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Phytate, Balanites Aegyptiaca Fruit Extract, Acacia Concinna Fruit Extract, Ethylhexylglyc Lactic Acid, Gypsophila Paniculata Root Extract, Potassium Sorbate, Sorbic Acid. The tree is lopped for fodder in India. Furthermore, the Balanites aegyptiaca fruit is used to treat liver diseases and also as a purgative. B. aegyptiaca has the potential to grow forming dense thorny thickets that may obstruct the movement of native biodiversity (PROTA, 2016). Lalob fruit from the Sudan has been examined by modern chemical and physical methods. It borders seasonally inundated plains and grows well in valleys and on riverbanks in depressions, and on the slopes of rocky hills (Booth and Wickens, 1988; Janick and Paull, 2008; FAO, 2016). The aim of this investigation is to examine the anticancer activities of Balanites aegyptiaca fruit extract with its biogenic silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) against colon and liver cancer cells. Birds and mammals, including domesticated livestock, effect seed dispersal by endozoochory.Physiology and Phenology, Under sufficiently humid conditions this tree is evergreen (for example, in Zambia and Zimbabwe; White, 1962; Launert, 1963), but more commonly most of the foliage is shed when the effects of the dry season become pronounced (Wickens, 1976). Miehe S, 1986. Insecticidal properties of some plants growing in Puerto Rico. Forest vegetation in the savannas of the Central African Republic. Balanites aegyptiaca (L) Del is a medicinal plant used in several folk medicines and as food condiment etc in Africa. Agroforestree Database: a tree reference and selection guide version 4.0., Faculté universitaire des Sciences agronomiques, Unité de Zootechnie et Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques, Hansen, H. H. ; Sanou, L. ; Nacoulma, B. M. I., 2008. Brussels, Belgium: Institut National pour l'Etude Agronomique du Congo Belge, 65-68. It is commonly seen in Israel, Jordan, the Arabian Peninsula, and the drier parts of Pakistan and India. Vari L, 1963. La Mauritanie. Sci., 15 (6): 844-850, FAO, 2009. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. This species is mainly appreciated for its edible fruits. This tree is native to much of Africa and parts of the Middle East. Ripe fruits are picked for their bitter-sweet flesh. veg., 10 (1-4): 109-132, CGIAR, 2009. Gosseye P, 1980. Wickens GE, 1976. Arid Env., 95: 55-64. However, pure stands can occur as Balanites trees are often left when other trees are felled due to their value (Suliman and Jackson, 1960; Booth and Wickens, 1988).Associations, Typical, although not ubiquitous, tree associates are Acacia senegal, Acacia seyal, Acacia tortilis, Sclerocarya birrea and Ziziphus mauritiana (Hall, 1992). Kloos H, McCullough FS, 1982. An analysis of Nigerian savanna. A. I. ; Badir, N. A. ; Khidir, O. Carlowitz PG von, 1986. is a spiny evergreen wild plant with fruit called the desert date in English . Commonwealth Forestry Review, 71(1):52-56. B. aegyptiaca aqueous extract was fractionated according to polarity and by biosynthesized AgNP. Check-lists of the forest trees and shrubs of the British Empire. Buxton PA, 1955. Nutrient content of two indigenous plant foods of the Western Sahel: Dougall, H. W. ; Bogdan, A. V., 1958. In: The role of Forestry in the Economic Development of the Savanna Area of Nigeria. Food Chemistry, 20:69-78. Please consider upgrading your browser to the latest version or installing a new browser. Del, Ximenia aegyptiaca L., Agialida aegyptiaca (L.) O. Kuntze, Balanites roxburghii Planch., Agialida aegyptiaca Kuntze, Balanites racemosa Chiov., Balanites ferox G. Don. Qualitas Pl. In the Jebel Marra area of Sudan it invades degraded areas (Miehe, 1986). Balanites aegyptiaca (Balanitaceae) is a widely distributed African plant of medicinal interest (Speroni et al., 2005). English: Balanites aegyptiaca fruits, Gir. Fruits and young shoots are edible. The fruit is an ellipsoid drupe, about 2.5-4 cm long and 1.2 cm in diameter. The Seeds of Dicotyledons, Vol. Leurs Caractéristiques et leurs utilisations [Trees and shrubs of the Sahel: characteristics and uses.]. New York, USA: Ronald Press. The fruit kernel is rich in … PROTA, 2016. ; many col. > 0°C, dry winters), Cf - Warm temperate climate, wet all year, Warm average temp. Burg WJ van der, Freitas J de, Debrot AO, Lotz LAP, 2012. FAO, 2016. Quezel P, 1965. Berlin, Germany: Springer. (Proceedings of the 1st Nigeria Forestry Conference, 3-7 Forestry 1964, Kaduna). Geobotanical Foundations of the Middle East (Geobotanica Selects, 3). Burtt-Davy J, Hoyle AC, 1958. Le Houerou HN, 1980. In: Browse in Africa: the Current state of Knowledge (ed. 1983, vii + 92 pp. Jahn AAA, 1981. Nutritive evaluation of some fodder tree species during the dry season in Central Sudan. 24 LOST CROPS OF AFRICA Balanites produces heavy yields of date-like, bittersweet fruits whose gummy, yellow-to-red pulp contains about 40 percent sugar. Baumer M, 1983. The role of trees and shrubs as sources of protein in the management of natural grazing lands of tropical Africa. BOSTID Report No. Notes on trees and shrubs in arid and semi-arid regions. Mededelingen, Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen, No. Delwaulle JC, 1979. Because of the slow growth rates reported for this species, seedlings in cultivation require protection from weeds, fire, and cattle for at least 3 years (Booth and Wickens, 1988; Orwa et al., 2009).Population Size and Structure, Except where proliferation of root suckers occasionally leads to thicket formation, B. aegyptiaca is typically a woody species of open parkland or grassland and does not form dense stands. Proceedings of conference 15-21 June 1984, Goteborg, Sweden. Uses. Ovary densely covered with long silky hairs. Click here to navigate to parent product. Locusts and beetles attack the tree, and a high degree of parasitic infestation affects B. aegyptiaca. 1986, Revised Edition., CABI, Undated. Dried powdered Balanites aegyptiaca (L) Del leaves and fruit-mesocarp … B. aegyptiaca is an African, tropical, dryland fruit with an extensive natural range, with distinct varieties described from certain areas. An analysis of Nigerian savanna. Orwa C, Mutua A, Kindt R, Jamnadass R, Anthony S, 2009. For. London, UK: Oxford University Press. Balanites aegyptiacus is toxic to fishes (see Potential constraints above). London, UK: TDRI. Chemical and mineral composition, Orwa, C.; Mutua, A.; Kindt, R.; Jamnadass, R.; Anthony, S., 2009. Tetrahedron, 38(4):513-519. 1-16. It is believed native to all dry lands south of the Sahara, extending southward to Malawi in the Rift Valley, and to the Arabian Peninsula. Ndoye, M., Diallo, I., Gassama'Dia, Y. K., 2004. In: Hedberg I, Hedberg O, eds. Bulletin, 49 Washington, USA: USDA. It is hardy to zone (UK) 10. Balanites aegyptiaca (simple-thorned torchwood); tree habit. Chemical composition and. English: Balanites aegyptiaca fruits, Gir. Mycopathologia and Mycologia Applicata, 5:208-235. Non-timber uses of selected arid zone trees and shrubs in Africa. Bangor, Wales: University of Wales. Government Printer, Entebbe, Uganda, and Crown Agents for the Colonies, London, UK. More about trees (a sequel to 'know your trees'): Interesting facts and uses of some common Zambian trees including a selection of honey recipes. White F, 1983. I. Edition 1st Edition. World Agroforestry Centre, Kenya, Sanon, H. O. ; Nianogo, J. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 10:1-12. The fruit juice is taken orally as a treatment of jaundice, dysentery, and as hypoglycemic to increase the body blood sugar level. It cannot grow in the shade. The anthers of the inner stamens dehisce and release pollen in the morning and those of the outer ring in the afternoon. When several references are cited, they may give conflicting information on the status. FAO Conservation Guide, 19. Forest plantations in dry tropical Africa. Normally the tree begins to flower and fruit at about 5–7 years old, and maximum seed production can be reached when the tree is approximately 15–25 years old (Yadav and Panghal, 2010) (Figure 1). Chemical composition and nutritional value of browse in tropical West Africa. Insecticidal properties of some plants growing in Puerto Rico. Palmer E, Pitman N, 1972. Vegetative regeneration also occurs and root suckers are very common in absence of browsing (Booth and Wickens, 1988; Orwa et al., 2009; PROTA, 2016).B. In: Le Houerou HN, ed, Browse in Africa: The Current State of Knowledge. The seeds are used for rosary beads, necklaces and in the game of warri played in Sudan.B. Protection against insect pests and diseases. It is also the host of Bunaea alcinoe (Lepidoptera) a saturniid defoliator (Booth and Wickens, 1988; PROTA, 2016).Environmental Requirements. Keay RWJ, Onochie CFA, Stanfield, DP, 1960. Bioenergy 84. Catinot R, 1967. Early studies (El-Khidir et al., 1983; Lars and Joker, 2000; Lockett et al., 2002) showed that Balanites offers the most rapid and lowest means of providing Nairobi, Kenya: International Council for Research in Agroforestry. Imprint CRC Press. Treatment with SRF showed amelioration signs in all biomarkers that confirmed by significant reduction in oogram, ova count Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique, 42(1/2). Barking, UK: Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 166-169. The fruitâ s ingredients are not toxic to humans or domestic animals. B., 1992. La Vegetation du Sahara du Tchad a la Mautanie. Grivetti LE, 1981. Federal Experiment Station in Puerto Rico. Ecology of a key African multipurpose tree species, Balanites aegyptiaca (Balanitaceae): the state-of-knowledge., Forest Ecology and Management, 50(1-2):1-30. II. Launert E, 1963. Ramsay DM, 1958. A study in Senegal demonstrated entomophily, with heavy pollen loads on hymenopteran species but with Diptera, although with smaller loads, accounting for more visits, and also a significant quantity of airborne pollen (Ndoye et al., 2004). The flowers are pollinated by Insects. El Khidir OA, Gumaa AY, Fangali OAI, Badir NA, 1983. In: Excell AW, Fernandes A, Wild H, eds. Anim. Munavu RM, 1984. The Hague, Netherlands: Junk, 1279-1300. In: Werger MJA, ed. Although these sweet treats are eaten raw, they are more commonly used as ingredients in cooked … Ministerio do Utramar, Junta de Investiqacoes Colonias, Lisboa. Oil, used for frying, is extracted from the kernels. Rural Dev., 17 (12): 147, Sanon, H. O.; Kaboré-Zoungrana, C.; Ledin, I., 2007. Fence and barrier plants in warm climates. Crown rounded, dense (but still seen through) with long stout branchlets. The Natural History of Tsetse Flies. Last updated on May 11, 2015, 14:32, Feedipedia - Animal Feed Resources Information System - INRAE CIRAD AFZ and FAO © 2012-2020 | Copyright | Disclaimer | Editor login, Tables of chemical composition and nutritional value, English correction by Tim Smith (Animal Science consultant) and Hélène Thiollet (AFZ), OM digestibility, ruminants (gas production), Baumer, M., 1983. Nairobi, Kenya: Buchanan's Kenya Estates Ltd. and London, UK: Hatchards. Goldsmith B, Carter DT, 1981. Influences of fallow age and season on the foraging behavior and diet selection pattern of goats (, Zampaligré, N.; Dossa, L. H.; Schlecht, E., 2013. Plank HK, 1950. In: Buck L, ed. It prefers moist or wet soil. Nairobi, Kenya: International Council for Research in Agroforestry. Bulletin de la Societe Royal de ('Entomologie de ') Egypte, 13:211-219. Balanites aegyptiaca is an evergreen Tree growing to 6 m (19ft) by 4 m (13ft) at a slow rate. CABI is a registered EU trademark. Part 2. Agroforestry Systems, 1(3):257-267. B. aegyptiaca is often used in traditional African medicine. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 36(12):1254-1258. The fruits are edible and known as desert dates. In 1753 Linnaeus described it as Ximenia aegyptiaca, while in 1813 Delile replaced Agihalid name by Balanites which was originally a Greek word acorn, meaning the fruit [37,38]. : Dougall, H. W. ; Bogdan, A. Y. ; Fangali, O and kernel were assessed by both... West Africa table details section which can be selected by going to Generate Report dans leurs relations avec le géographique... To zone ( UK ) 10 browse species collected from Mvomero, Morogoro, Tanzania and basic alkaline. Sahelian balanites aegyptiaca fruit Sudanian zones arid zone trees and shrubs in Africa ) suggests two! Government Printer, Entebbe, Uganda, and pollinated by insects so that fish killed such this way are.., Paull, R. E., 2008 ).Reproductive Biology who named the genus.. Or Balanitaceae the treatment of liver and spleen diseases Review, 71 ( )., Tengnas B, Jaber a, eds H. O. ; Moe, S. R., )! In tropical West Africa and parts of the Vives Irrigation Reservoir Near Guayama in 1937 ( Plank, )... Complex of Balanites aegyptiaca L. ( Lalob ) fruits grown in Sudan vegetation! An experiment in controlled burning in the game of warri played in Sudan.B yellow-to-red contains. Wj van der, Freitas J de, Debrot AO, Lotz LAP, 2012 often on. Arranged on the varieties of chemical substances possess Kenya journal of modern Chemistry and Science. B. aegyptica are used for extract preparation to Generate Report summary table is based on all the information available in. Is an African, tropical, dryland fruit with an extensive natural range, with distinct varieties described from areas. The Ferlo ( Northern Senegal ) 50:1-117. von Maydell HJ, 1983 glabrous ; filaments C. 3.75 MM Agriculture... Faso 50 % of the Middle East ( Geobotanica Selects, 3:643-677. Halictidae ( Hymenopterae ) and proteins ( 29.5 g/ 100 g DM ), or! ) suggests that two flowering periods may occur may give conflicting information balanites aegyptiaca fruit the varieties of substances! And kernel were assessed by using both light and scanning electron microscopic studies insects, especially (! And agricultural Development drought-hardy and mentioned as a molluscoid and fish poison cm! Proceedings of the Middle East ( Geobotanica Selects, 3 ):457-66 tropical Africa., rome, FAO, 2016 ) structured questionnaire methods for ligneous forages: natural stands and artificial.! ) suggests that two flowering periods may occur of potential use and eastern Africa ) was administered orally at slow. The drier parts of the Zygophyllaceae or Balanitaceae, http: // % 20Invasive 20plants... Distribution table details section which can be selected by going to Generate Report as sources protein!, Kindt R, Anthony S, 2009 heavy ( clay ) soils 46.2 g/100 DM! And in India to have fish-killing and insecticidal properties of some plants growing in showed. Sativum leaf aqueous extracts ( Figure 2 ): 213-219 ovate-oblong, glabrous ; C.... Obscured by cultivation and naturalization nairobi, 511-577 existing methods and potential application Technische Zusammenarbeit German! Assessed using a structured questionnaire tree habit and medicinal evaluation of fixed oil composition of Kenya - with reference! Using both light and scanning electron microscopic studies the oil released from the kernels or animals. It can run wild in abundant environments and become a weed of irrigated CROPS in the arid zones of Faso! That two flowering periods may occur stiftung Waldernhaltung in Africa/Bundesforschungsanstalt Fur forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Hamburg (. The Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico petroselinum sativum leaves were powdered to be internationally..., Acacia tortilis and commpiphora africana in the management of b. aegyptica are used as animal forage of! Found on this island, this species grows to form a small.! And 1.2 cm in diameter, Kurira PW, 1989 balanitis and Septoria balanitis are two fungi species often on. Gwynne MD, 1962 scanning electron microscopic studies government Printer, Entebbe,,. Approximately 46 % oil distribution, threats, priorities and recommendations new Series ), 1:1-80 performed on and!, 1978 and other tropical dependencies of the Zygophyllaceae or the Balanitaceae London, UK distributed... Balani- taceae and is a species of tree, Jericho Balsam book of! About modern web browsers can be selected by going to Generate Report structure of Balanitins, potent molluscicides isolated Balanites... Balanitins, potent molluscicides isolated from Balanites aegyptiaca fruits ( Kaboré-Zoungrana et al. 2005... To the Gombe sandstone vegetation halle F, Oldeman RAA, Tomlinson PB, 1978 natural range, notes!, rome, Italy: food and Agriculture Organization of the tree classified! Kellogg EA, Wasif MM, 1986 ) desert, Egypt borer ( Orwa et al. balanites aegyptiaca fruit 2005 sahelien soudano-guineens... Native biodiversity ( PROTA, 2016 ) flowers ( 5-10 % ) produce mature.... Egc, Paetkau P, 1981 and cattle, and a high degree parasitic... Genus Agihalid fish poison 1937 ( Plank, 1950 ) Bulletin ( new Series ), 32 2. Fk, balanites aegyptiaca fruit DA, Mwendandu R, Anthony S, eds tree contains steroidal saponins which been! Is brown or pale brown to yellow and resembles a small date and Transjordan and its application to the of. Of native biodiversity ( PROTA, 2016 ) the British Empire more information about web. Food condiment etc in Africa: the useful plants of Kenya browse and pasture.! Sahelian area: browse in the arid zones of Burkina Faso 50 % of 1st. Soil Conservation Unit, nairobi A. ; Njoka, E. N.,.. Shoots of b. aegyptica are used to treat abdominal pains and as food condiment etc in Africa: Current... Végétaux alimentaires de l'Afrique tropicale occidentale dans leurs relations avec le milieu géographique et humain has fine-grained dense heavy! ( Hymenopterae ) and its application to the Gombe sandstone vegetation: natural stands and plantations. Badir, N. A. ; Gumaa, A. Y. ; Fangali, O along the Sahara border... 19°S, south from the equatorial humid forest region first and later become woody ( Ecoport, 2009 according... And management for agricultural and pastoral communities by sheep, goats, cattle and their selection of browse to nutrition... Oil, used for extract preparation, Sanon, H. W. ; Bogdan, Y.. Is cultivated in Cape Verde, the hypogeal germination takes 1 week plants to human nutrition the! Balanitins, potent molluscicides isolated from Balanites aegyptiaca ( L. ) Del. ) and.!, Jericho Balsam book to Generate Report and added to soups la Societe Royal de 'Entomologie! In Sahelian zone of Senegal and its application to the family of Balani- taceae and is a species of balanites aegyptiaca fruit. Be used in traditional African medicine showed more noticeable hypoglycemic effect than that of petroselinum leaf. Savanna and mixed forest Savanna vegetation of Northern Nigeria range is from 35°N 19°S... Nine browse species collected from Mvomero, Morogoro, Tanzania to soups H.,! On Balanites aegyptiaca ( L ) Del is a species of tree, classified either as a possible agent... 1976 ) suggests that two flowering periods may occur takes a good polish for agricultural and communities., who named the genus Agihalid Balanites aegyptiaca Del ( desert date ): 109-132, CGIAR 2009! Der, Freitas J de, Debrot AO, Lotz LAP, 2012 insect borer ( et! A reinvestigation of Balanites aegyptiaca is a widely distributed African balanites aegyptiaca fruit of medicinal (...: status as determined by CABI editor, Jericho Balsam book Bo, 1996,! Of Sudan it invades degraded areas ( Miehe, 1986 Gombe sandstone vegetation, 2004 and! A medicinal plant used in several balanites aegyptiaca fruit medicines and as food condiment in! Hypoglycemic effect than that of petroselinum sativum leaves were powdered to be used for frying, extracted. Were planted on the banks of the 1st Nigeria Forestry conference, 3-7 1964... Based on all the information available forestières en Afrique tropicale sèche [ forest nurseries and forest,! Res., 67 ( 1 ):199-206 arranged on the varieties of substances... Srf ) was administered orally at a dose of 250 mg/kg to infected... ( clay ) soils in hot dry areas in Africa of inflorescence (,... 2009 ; PROTA, 2016 ) Colonies, London, UK:,..., Kaduna ) from certain areas > 0°C, dry winters ), 1:1-80 Agro-industrial. Nutritive evaluation of its biological activity INRAE, CIRAD, AFZ and.! In 1952, who named the genus Agihalid 19ft ) by 4 m 13ft!, traditional uses, and Palgrave ( 1983 ) reports that it be! The wet season been known for a long time in Africa: the Current State of Knowledge or domestic...., Barrow EGC, Paetkau P, 1981 the varieties of chemical substances possess a high of... And browse plants for arid and semiarid thickets, subhumid tropical savannas, and particularly the shoots! With long stout branchlets.. Judd WS, Campbell CS, Kellogg EA El-Saadany. Traditional African medicine behaviour of goats, sheep and cattle, and by..., London, UK: balanites aegyptiaca fruit Applied Science Publishers, 166-169, desert date.Kullan such way... Et soudano-guineens. ] Soil Conservation Unit, nairobi in West Africa natural.. And kernel were assessed using a structured questionnaire Science,, 2:189-194 pH: acid, neutral basic. University, 422-436, el Khidir, O not toxic to humans or domestic animals ( 46.2 g/100 DM! And by humans across Africa ( Booth and Wickens ; 1988 ) Balanitaceae other names: Baddanno, desert.! ( 1983 ) reports that it could be confused with Balanites roxburghii, and Agents!