. Colossal Lump Crabmeat is the most expensive, not because it tastes better, but because it’s a unique part of the crab. claw definition: 1. one of the sharp curved nails at the end of each of the toes of some animals and birds: 2. one…. Don’t rush things, and just move to the rhythm that feels most natural to you. Crab Meaning, and Messages. The crab meaning is about timing and vulnerability. When looking at the claws of the crab, you will notice they are very powerful. Acronym for Cheating Lying Awful Whore. The shell of the crab is what protects the nucleus of defenseless and tender inside the crab, it is the symbol of a protection of the vulnerability of the dreamer, of his most fragile parts linked to his sensitivity, to his “tender heart” and to his inner child. Crab teaches you to protect what is most precious to you! Good luck prying a crab claw open once it grabs on to you. The crab spirit animal lets go of their shells to experience a rebirth, and so should you! Each crab has two muscles connecting their swimmer fins, and the ones harvested in one piece from large crab … The sea holds many mysteries and the Crab is among the elusive and mysterious spiders of the sea. Their outside shell protects them from enemy attacks as well, and this is the trait that is most commonly used when talking about crab symbolism. These little guys pack a punch. Cancerians are influenced by water, therefore have been connected to one’s unconscious mind. Examples of crab claw in a sentence, how to use it. The crab featured in one’s dream is a symbol of water, peace and tranquility. Crab is the quintessential symbol of self protection, boundaries and teaching others how to treat you. In this case, Crab symbolism is reminding you that not all paths lead directly to your personal goals. Crabs commonly have the ability to regenerate lost limbs after a period of time, and thus declawing is viewed as a potentially more sustainable method of fishing. The best-known symbol for Cancer is the crab and the ruling planet is the Moon. Crab – Spirit Animal, Symbolism and Meaning. ... Defensiveness – Crabs will use their claws to attack even a bigger animal in order to protect themselves. 11 examples: The mast supports fore-sails that may consist of a single jib multiple… This would symbolize the crab tattoo meaning the person wearing this tattoo had a tough exterior but was really a softy on the inside. Crab has the innate wisdom to protect his most vital resources. Declawing of crabs is the process whereby one or both claws of a crab are manually detached before the return of the live crab to the water, as practiced in the fishing industry worldwide. In other words, sometimes a sideways approach is necessary. . Left to right, colossal, claw, lump CREDIT: Malagua. Dreams About Crabs – Meaning. Therefore, with this spirit animal, you must shift your focus to what is all around you because your inner senses are trying to guide you more directly. There will be moments in your life when you will feel soft and vulnerable, so welcome and embrace them. Now, to dream of a crab moving on a beach or seeing one running means that you are being rather grumpy. Crab Meaning. A term coined by Donald Trump on his show "The Apprentice" even though bosses used it all the time before.Now anyone who watched five minutes of it thinks it's THE ABSOLUTE SHIT and uses it to say "YOU SUCK!" or "LOSER!" Learn more.